Capitalise on the festive spirit by contacting prospects in December

Man standing at desk typing on laptop with christmas tree in background

With Christmas just around the corner, a lot of focus and attention will naturally turn towards the festive period and the excitement of spending time with family in the weeks ahead. This can lead many businesses to incorrectly assume that December is a bad month for calling prospects and securing new business contracts. However, this…

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Building authentic relationships with a more casual approach

Once upon a time, first impressions at business networking events were extremely important, as meetings took place in formal environments, and attendees took care in their appearance and approach. Now, since the pandemic and resulting lockdowns, these initial introductions have become a lot more casual, as individuals have grown accustomed to relaxed/informal meetings through the…

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Continue lead development throughout the holiday period

Whilst many of the pandemic-related restrictions have been lifted in accordance with the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown, there are still some issues surrounding travel, especially when it comes to holiday-goers visiting another country. That being said, there are still many people trying to make the most out of a difficult situation, with staycations becoming…

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Running a successful telemarketing campaign amid the removal of Covid restrictions

With the remaining Covid-related restrictions set to be lifted in July 2021, many organisations are already planning for post-pandemic life, as employees start returning to the workplace in some capacity. Therefore, organisations looking to promote their services and convert prospects into serious new business opportunities are likely to be thinking about planning an effective telemarketing…

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Cold calling vs. warm calling – building a platform for relationships to flourish

When businesses hear the term ‘telemarketing’, they often think of cold calling and the process of making contact with a long list of prospects, despite having never previously spoken with the individuals being targeted. However, there is another less familiar alternative that can often yield better results for organisations, especially if they have researched the…

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No networking, no problem – how best to reinvest your resources

The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns have forced businesses to adapt to new ways of working, with entire workforces currently operating at home and meetings moved online. From a new businesses and lead generation perspective, traditional methods of building relationships have also changed, with face-to-face networking events currently on hold whilst the restrictions are in…

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Boosting Sales: How does extending your team help conversions?

If every business meeting culminated in a sale, life would be simple. Sadly, this is rarely the case. Securing quality customers and clients can be as resource heavy as it is mentally draining. The rise of Covid has also left many professionals juggling scant resources or struggling to optimise their working hours. This makes it…

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Engaging with prospects during a period of widespread remote working

With the UK currently in the middle of another lockdown, businesses across a range of sectors have temporarily closed their office doors, as employees have been urged to work from home for the foreseeable future in line with Government guidance. Given the current economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic, organisations must continue to engage prospects,…

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Getting to the heart of a new telemarketing campaign

Here at Competitive Edge, we help organisations of all shapes and sizes, across a broad range of sectors, connect, communicate and collaborate with their clients more easily. We are not here to sell, but open doors to new opportunities for you and your sales team to identify the needs of your prospective buyers, address their…

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